Sunday, September 18, 2011

Flea Market Fun

Today, my husband and I spent the day at a local monthly flea market. It has become an outing that we enjoy doing together. The routine begins early, with a stop for lattes and scones on the way.  The drive is my chance to run down the wish list and enjoy classic Beatles songs on the radio. Upon arrival, it's ready, set, GO!
 My husband is my "go to guy",  he carries, scouts, is my second set of eyes and even pays! Today he added photographer to his duties. I am lucky he enjoys going and we have a great time. We had not gone to this market it several months. It was nice to be back after a break. Several new vendors, some with absolutely wonderful wares. Saw some old friends and made some new ones.
We noticed a better than usual variety of quality items at this months market. Brought back really great items for Le Potager, for myself and even a few gifts! Nothing at all from my pre-market wish list but, that is the joy of antiquing, you never ever know what you will find. I will be taking photos tomorrow of the treasures I (we) found today. You will be able to see the loot later this week. 

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