Monday, September 26, 2011

French Enamel Lavabo Story

I recently met a young lady at a flea market who has just begun her business buying and selling French vintage and antique wares. She has a great eye and displayed some wonderful items, some I liked for myself and some for Le Potager. I was lucky enough to purchase a red and white French enamel lavabo set. This set has four pieces, tank with lid, basin and the rare little soap dish. 
The dealer had made the back board herself which was a nice way to display the items as they would hang on the wall. You can see it here, in the photo above, hiding behind the cart, right at my feet.
As you saw in my loot shots from last week, I brought the lavabo home, cleaned it up, took my photos and had then had a decision to make... shop or home, shop or home? 
 Well, to the shop it went. Although the lighting is not great in this photo, the lavabo lends a nice splash of seasonal color in the butler's pantry. We opened the tank a filled it with berry stems. The basin is holding the lid, linens, faux pomegranates and a vintage book. We even added a votive candle holder to the soap dish at the very top. It really is a charming display piece. 
Dimensional items, like this, add interest to your wall displays and give you the perfect place to add seasonal color.

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