Friday, September 2, 2011

Repurposed Silver

While on my travels this August, I came across a very large charity thrift shop. I passed through rather quickly, scanning as walked.  I was about to leave when I notice a little counter in the corner with a sign "Treasure Corner"...what a coincidence, I am looking for treasure! So there it was, in the corner, in the back, piled up and all taped together. It was 5 pieces of victorian silver plate. "May I see that please?" I asked the young lady working there. I knew I would buy this pile-o-silver before it was even in my hands. There was a floral patterned brides basket, a calling card dish with sheep heads and a dog, a large bowl, a bud vase and this piece...
At one time this was a pickle castor stand. Now, without it's glass vessel, the silver stand has no real function or purpose. Well, it was so beautifully detailed that I had to find a use for it. 
This candle is a bit too narrow, but you get the idea. I plan to use this stand as a unique base to hold a deep red citrus and spice candle at Le Potager this upcoming holiday season. Today's treasure can be a lesson to us all about repurposing items, even antiques. In addition to holding a candle, this piece could hold; a simple glass vase, a liquid soap bottle, small flower pot or even a perfume bottle.

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