Friday, October 21, 2011

Vintage Musical Treasure

This was such a fun find! I cannot tell you the last time I looked at old records but my sons tell me that not only are vintage records cool but contemporary artists are releasing their new albums in record form once again. Our youngest son, 19, and I went to a local charity resale boutique this morning. While we were looking around he spotted boxes of old records.  He had purchased a 1950's portable record player a few months ago and is on a hunt for classic albums. Today, I joined in the album fun and was taken down memory lane as I looked.  I purchased several records that I will play on our son's old record player at our Paris Flea Market next spring. These were just super fun titles that I had to have.
Top: I Love Paris, 101 Strings  Bottom Right: The Left Bank Bearcats take George M. Cohen to Dixieland  and Bottom Left: Sir Laurence Olivier A Christmas Carol.
The Christmas Carol album is staying home, we will listen to at home this holiday season.
Then I came across one additional album...
This was such an unexpected surprise! This album Red Nichols & the Five Pennies at Marineland is
a real novelty. Marineland of the Pacific was just a short distance from my childhood home and our family went there often. I have several souvenirs from Marineland but have never seen or heard of this one. I am happy to add this treasure to my small collection. 
Records are back...get out your old albums, you may have a vintage treasure of your own!

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