Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Treasure Hunting at the Winter Flea Market

After what seems like weeks of cold and rainy weather, on market days, this weeks flea market was just beautiful. Cold, brisk and flooded with bright winter sunshine, this was the perfect day at the flea. It probably didn't hurt that Christmas is just weeks away, but I found everyone to be joyous and merry. Vendors and shoppers alike enjoyed a festive, fabulous market brimming with treasures.
Aside from my usual hunting for treasures for the shop and our Paris flea market, this flea market trip I found myself doing some of my holiday gift shopping. I get such a good feeling when I happen upon a real treasure at the flea that can only be topped by finding a treasure for a family member or friend.
I am happy to report I was successful in finding lovely things for Le Potager, our flea market and even a few gifts. This market brought dozens of new vendors many with beautiful, interesting & unique items. I always consider antiquing successful when, at the end of the day, I have learned something new, from either vendors or shoppers, about antique and or vintage wares.  With that in mind, this day was a success all the way around.
Just a peek at some of the treasures I brought home. I have a lot of silver cleaning to do. Overall, what a great day of shopping. I am looking forward to highlighting a few items later this week. 

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