Sunday, January 29, 2012

Today's Work Tomorrow's Treasure

  What could American football and gardening possibly have in common? Well, it is time for the championship Super Bowl game and what seems like weeks & weeks of publicity and hype. Over the years, all of this PR reminds me of one very important thing... if it's Superbowl, it is time to trim the roses!
This time honored tradition, rose trimming that is, should be done by the end of January here in California. As the winter garden can be underwhelming, it is a great time to prepare the bones of your garden for springtime, printemps.
Trimming roses, grapes, boxwood, climbers & hedges assures your spring growth and gives you a clean slate for the spring planting season.
At Le Potager, John has been busy readying the courtyards, and here, the grape arbor, for spring in hopes of a grape crop as abundant and tasty as last year.
Do not be afraid to trim too much, especially for roses and grapes, as their new growth is very forgiving and good air circulation is key to productivity. 
It has always been helpful for me to link some chores with special events as reminders like this; 
If it's Super Bowl time... the roses must be trimmed!
More treasures to come.


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