Friday, February 17, 2012

Daffodils the First Sign of Spring

The calender says February however, here in California, we have had such a mild winter that the birds are busy nesting in the yard and the daffodils are up in full strength.
The few days of light rain this season were enjoyable and remind us that although not every day here in Southern California is beautiful and sunny, most of them are just that.
If the rains bring us rainbows like this one (I snapped this photograph on Wednesday outside the shop) I will welcome the storms with open arms.
A house with daffodils in it is a house lit up, 
whether or no the sun be shining outside. 
                                            ~ A.A. Milne
I am hoping that the showers forecast for this weekend do not come to fruition as I am looking forward to the flea on Sunday and hope to bring you some fabulous spring inspired treasures.
Until then, fill a vase with daffodils and enjoy a bit of spring.
Happy Hunting!

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