Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Paddy's Bread from an Irish Baker

We found the pot at the end of the rainbow today but it was not filled with gold.  It could quite possibly be even better than gold! Our dear friends, K & M, delivered to me at the shop, the most beautiful loaf of homemade bread... o.k. well almost better than gold.
K met M in his homeland of Ireland 20 something years ago and the rest, as they say, is history. A short time later M followed K back to her home here in California. They live, with their two sons, just down the street from Le Potager here in Orange County.
M is a master baker for a very well known national bread product company here in the U.S. Because he bakes for a living one would think that baking would be the last thing he would do when he goes home, but much to our delight, he and K occasionally bake together for their family and lucky friends.
K & M are also working on another, much larger, project together. They are nearly finished building their beautiful seaside vacation home along the rocky coast of Ireland where M grew up. Although we have not yet been to visit M's hometown, or seen their Ireland home, we are looking forward to a trip in the not too distant future.
In the meantime, we have bread. Wonderful bread. Made with love from our dear friends. It was just the luck of the Irish today that brought us this treasure.
Now, I say a big thank you to K & M and please pass the homemade marmalade!
Treasures abound.... happy hunting!


  1. Hi Jen

    That looks amazing. There is nothing like a fresh loaf of bread and to be gifted this beauty must have been a joy. What a delightful way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.

  2. Mmmmmmm - yum....That bread looks delicious! In fact I'm off to see if I can find something similar to nibble on right now, although it wont be quite as freshly made! Love the blog and I share your love of vintage treasure hunting - I'll definitely be back.


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