Friday, April 13, 2012

Most Unique Barn Estate Sale

Today I had an opportunity to attend a very unique sale featuring the estate of Bud Hurlbut. Mr. Hurlbut was known in the amusement industry as The Dean of Amusement Parks. Over the course of fifty plus years he designed and or built dozens of the most iconic rides at Southern California amusement parks.
The sale took place at Mr. Hurlbut's long time headquarters which on the outside looked like your average extra large country barn. As we all know, looks can be deceiving and that was certainly true about this building. Upon walking into the barn I was struck by the immense scale. This location was much more than it appeared as it housed workshops, offices, a sprawling equipment yard as well as an area that held Bud's personal collections. Every area was jamb-packed with stuff.
There were vintage coin operated machines, custom made mechanical clowns, several arcade movie viewers and hand painted amusement park signs. All very interesting items but not really in my scope of treasure hunting or collecting, I had to dig deeper.
The antique carousel animals were just charming. These two are hand carved wood with glass eyes and original paint. I adore the rabbit. But still not right for me. I continued on.
 There was an entire blacksmith shop on the premises with bins and pallets stacked full of absolutely beautiful hand forged iron pieces including lantern style light fixtures, wall sconces, planters and tons of decorative accents for rides and amusement park buildings.
Ok, so I need to focus. Think about the upcoming flea market, think smaller, unique, just keep digging.
Eureka! Antique hand cut beveled carousel mirrors. They were originally part of the beautiful center column of a merry-go-round built in the late 1800's. I am not certain what I will do with them but they came home with me. Continue digging.
Get me a box... these cast iron pieces were fencing and structure parts but I see home decor accessories. Load them up.
So I dug, and I mean I really dug, and here are a few of the treasures I came home with. The gorgeous crystal and silver decanters were hidden in plain sight and apparently from Bud's office. I love the cast iron fence post caps that look like little crowns. The carousel mirrors and a random piece of antique blue & white enamel are great. Not shown is a large crystal chandelier that needs some work and even more fun iron goodies. I am happy to add these items to my Le Potager flea market loot. Today was a truly unique treasure hunt and even in the rain it was a lot of fun. Thank you Bud. Next up, flea market shopping on Sunday with Mr. Treasure. The rain will be over and I am looking forward to a beautiful weekend. Happy Hunting!


  1. Looks like a terrific place to find treasure, Jen. I'm spending the weekend volunteering at a local artisans' show - interesting garden decor items and jewellery - I came home with 2 wrought iron hummingbirds for my garden. They will rust down to a nice patina in a few months. Happy shopping on Sunday.

  2. Oh sigh...
    To be in your shoes Jen.
    So many divine to choose?
    Is there anything better than treasure hunting?

  3. Hello! My name is Sarah and I'm a photographer who's always on the hunt for new interesting props. I'm very interested in a lot of things I see on your blog. Please get back to me when you can!


Thank you for leaving a comment. I love to hear from fellow bloggers. Let me know what you think about my treasures or share a treasure of your own. Happy hunting!