Monday, July 23, 2012

Blog Anniversary and Thank You

It has been one year since I began this blog. Today’s Treasure by Jen was meant to be a fun stage to share my love of treasure hunting. I did not expect the experience of blogging to have such an impact on my life.
An outlet was all I could imagine a blog could provide however, in actuality, it is the interactions, the shared knowledge, personal enlightenment and yes, even cyber friendships that have captured my heart.
I have truly enjoyed every post both written and read. I have learned more than I could have imagined about places and things and people, even myself.
Originally, I decided to begin TTBJ after being oh-so inspired mainly by two renowned blogs, My French Country Home and Paris Breakfast.  Each author brought her own style to the table. Honest in every way and true to themselves, never pretending to be someone they are not, nor wanting to be and most importantly never talking down to their followers/fans. Thank you to both S.S. and C.G. for continuing to inspire me and for their commitment to this, the blogging world.
I will continue TTBJ for those of you who look from time to time. Although I haven’t a mass of registered followers I know many of my customers link through our Le Potager website. To those of you who read and/or comment on a regular basis, I am honored and pleased that you take a moment to see what I have posted. Thank you!
I hope to continue to bring you exciting finds from my treasure hunting and most of all I hope you enjoy the posts and in turn even comment … as I would love to hear from you!
Here is to another year of treasures.
Happy Hunting!! 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Blogaversary!!!! It's my anniversary on Saturday. Isn't it funny that we both started the same week.

    I love your blog - look forward to each post, to see what treasures you've uncovered and wish I was closer to your shop so that we could get to know each other better. Keep on writing, Jen.



Thank you for leaving a comment. I love to hear from fellow bloggers. Let me know what you think about my treasures or share a treasure of your own. Happy hunting!