Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day Tradition

Today, in the U.S. we celebrate the birth of our nation. Like many modern holidays we have taken creative license with what the day is truly about. You know what I mean, Santa and the Easter come to mind. Well, the 4th of July has always been a fun day in our home. It is officially our "F" day! The "F"ourth brings us a wonderful combination of family, friends, food, festivities and of course fireworks.
A house full of people, coming and going. It is the one time of year we see many of our son's childhood friends... We get to catch up with them and reflect upon their childhood antics! To me, this is the official start of summer, my favorite time of year. Summer brings us late al fresco dinners, movies out side, casual relaxed meals and best of all Sunday family dinners.  
Happy 4th of July!
I will be tag-sale hunting this weekend... highlights to come.
Happy treasure hunting!

1 comment:

  1. love your seaside patriotic display. Hope you had a great 4th.


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