Thursday, August 30, 2012

Tortoise Shell Bamboo Find

I just couldn't resist making a quick stop, on my way home tonight, at a local resale boutique. Not really in the market for anything as I am saving my pennies for my big buying trip next week, so my pace was a little quicker and my scanning a bit more selective. I was about to leave empty handed when I decided to take a look in the back room. The golf clubs, garden tools and old skis all pointed toward a neat little stack of tables leaning against a pile of old suitcases. 
The closer I got the better they looked. The more I opened and closed them the more I liked them... SOLD!
These 3 vintage folding side tables would be perfect for a 3 season porch or conservatory.
 Made of classic tortoise shell bamboo they are beautiful in both form and function.
Tortoise shell bamboo has been used for centuries by Japanese, Chinese, English and American furniture makers. It was a staple material in both the Victorian and Arts & Crafts styles.
This bamboo has a very unique growing pattern. In Japan, it is refered to as 'Kikko' means "tortoise shell". The trunk growth alternates on either side creating a pattern much like that of a tortoise shell. 
However, this characteristic is only present in the first few feet at the trunk or base of the plant making the bamboo itself a rather unique material.
I am very happy to have found today's treasure. When I return from my sojourn I will have glass cut for each of these and display them in the garden room at Le Potager. I think they will be quite smart looking. 
Thank you for visiting. I will post more about my buying trip this weekend.
In the mean time... happy hunting!

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