Tuesday, September 18, 2012

French Storefronts & Facades

There is a certain charm in France that exudes from every storefront in the smallest rural villages to the heart of Paris itself.
Buildings that, in most cases, are a century or more old, feature beautiful, detailed and well maintained facades. 
Signage, awnings. windows and displays each working together to provide wonderful ambiance.
These facades are direct reflections of the businesses themselves, many whom built reputations in their community's originally based upon their exterior appeal. 
Even as a visitor, we have all been pulled into a shop by the charm and appeal of the exterior... the trick as the shopkeeper is to keep the appeal going on the interior. 
On this trip to France I would say that we were never disappointed upon entering a shop that had a charming facade. Their interiors were evenly matched to their exteriors and we found the shopkeepers to be warm, welcoming and helpful.
We wandered neighborhoods simply admiring the storefronts. There were so many shops that I did not add to this post, I had to stop but be assured, I could have gone on and on. Each facade was just as beautiful as the last. I am so glad we took the time to admire and enjoy these architecturally embellished buildings. They are simply lovely and purely French.
Happy hunting! 


  1. The storefronts in Paris invite you to come inside in a way that North American shops don't seem to understand.

  2. Heather, I completely agree! This is something I am going to look at with a new focus when I get back to my shop.

  3. Jen, your shop is certainly an exception. One is not only invited inside, but generously rewarded for doing so. It seems that I spend at least half an hour in the entrance courtyard before venturing inside and then I have to stand in the middle of the room to take it all in, before delving into the specific products. I just love savoring the ambiance...
    I know what you mean about the shops in Paris. The first time I went, I was so taken with the doors and door handles, that it took several minutes just to get inside. I wanted to make sure I didn't miss any details.
    Which reminds me, I am due for a visit to your shop :)
    Thanks for creating such a lovely place to escape to,

    1. Peggy, thank you very much for your kind words. The experience that you describe when you come to Le Potager is exactly what we strive to accomplish and we are very grateful that you appreciate our efforts. I look forward to seeing you at the shop and thank you for posting your lovely comment here. ~Jen


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