Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Ready, Set, Go to France!

We had a light Chinese dinner last night and what could be more fitting than this...
The day is finally here. Off we go on a whirlwind buying trip to France. My husband and I arrive in Paris, stay overnight then catch a northbound train bright and early. We are joining none other than Sharon Santoni, from My French Country Home, for a brocante marathon. In addition to treasure hunting we will be taking in as much of the Normandy region as we can. 
We will return to Paris and continue our quest to find unique vintage and antique wares to bring home.
Of course, while in Paris we have many destinations planned however, we have no schedule, we will be enjoying the early fall in Paris. 
Be assured, I have a list as long as my arm of places to shop and eat and shop and eat that we will never fully conquer, but we will try!
More posts along the way... WiFi permitting. Wish me safe travels and happy hunting!!!


  1. I'm crying in my coffee - you lucky, lucky girl getting to go on one of Sharon's trip. I'm an avid fan of hers too. One day, one day. In the meantime, I'm living vicariously through you.

    By the way - don't eat at the Deux Magots - expensive and touristy. But you probably know that anyways. Have some wonderful crepes in Normandy.

    Have fun!!

  2. Have a wonderful time in France. Crepes and croissants, my favorite. Enjoy. Paula


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