Thursday, January 17, 2013

Flea Markets on Film

There are dozens of television programs about home decor and design offered on U.S. channels on any given day. These shows generally follow trends in the market and currently the shows that highlight the antics of the picker, treasure hunter, flea market shopper and/or tag sale scout are fetching big ratings. I do not have the opportunity to watch most of these shows but week after week and month after month I have been seeing their film crews at our local flea markets.
Last week, I ran into Lara Spencer filming her show, Flea Market Flip at the Hollywood flea market.
Last month it was the crew and contestants from Market Warriors at yet another flea market.
At this market, contestants were being filmed in their flea market space working hard to sell their repurposed treasures.
Since we are in Southern California, filming of some sort, is rarely given a second glance. That is probably why it is easy for production companies to create their shows here with very little interruption.
Whether it is Flea Market Flips, Market Warriors, Flea Market Mania, Cash & Cari or any of the many, many others, these shows are responsible for bringing new customers to our local flea markets. This is great news for vendors, as for me... well, I think it is great for the vendors! Even with this new found popularity, the flea market is still great for treasure hunting. Just keep in mind, what they say is true... the early bird really does get the worm!
Hope you have found some wonderful treasures.
Happy Hunting!

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