Friday, January 4, 2013

our last holiday event... disneyland

Now that the dust has settled, Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year have come and gone, the girls get together to take in holiday decorations Disney style. 
As the happiest place on earth is just 15 minutes away, it is a wonderful place to take an evening stroll.
We have a wonderful dinner and drinks with a lot of chatting and catching up on holiday travels and family news.
This is the way to enjoy the park- no rides or lines or stress, just wandering to take it all in.
The sounds of Christmas carols, the aroma of freshly made chocolate candies and caramel corn and the sights of holiday decorations abound.

This has become a much anticipated tradition for us... our reward for a holiday season well done
(if we don't say so ourselves!).
Everything was simply beautiful.
It was an all around lovely evening with my dear friends, whom I truly treasure.
Celebrating our official end to the 2012 holiday season with fireworks, of course!

Merry Happy!
Happy Treasure Hunting...  will be flea market shopping this weekend.


  1. What a nice tradition. We had passes until we moved out here in 2010. We would go just to people watch, eat, or walk around. I miss going. Blessings Paula Lusk

  2. Disneyland in the evening is so much more relaxing. What a great way to spend a girls night out. It must be beautiful at Christmas!!

  3. Happy New Year Jen! Your pictures take me back to years past my Friend! I Love your Blog and hope all the best for you and yours this 2013! Thinking about you!


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