Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Perfect Flea Market Vehicle

Today, while shopping the flea market, I happened upon the most charming vendor with the most quaint market vehicle I have ever seen.
The Gypsy Wagon, as he calls it, is a modern version of the classic gypsy carts of by-gone days.
Although painted on the outside, it gives the illusion of an old wooden horse-drawn cart.
The interior walls were even decorated and it was filled with all sorts of treasures.
Shoppers are encouraged to enter the side door and walk about inside to view his wares up close.
Although I am not certain that the quaint qualities translate here, it was indeed a fun find.
As for the market itself, I was not as lucky as I would have liked but I did find a few little treasures. Best of all, I ran into some old friends and was able to do a little catching-up.
I enjoyed some really unique displays today. Although a little tough to make out, I wanted this large wooden box with drawer and flip top. Try as I may, the vendor was just too attached to it. I may try again the next time I see her.
Next week, yet another flea market to share.
Happy treasure hunting!


  1. Jen, I am SO ENVIOUS!!! We are settling in for our 2nd HUGE snowstorm in a week. City shut down again. Nothing open. They are telling everyone to stay off the roads.......on and on. So I am dreaming of France AND wishing I was in California at the flea!!!! Can't wait to see what you get next week!

  2. Hi Rita, Sounds terrible there but, I must say I am a tiny bit envious of your weather, as we have had no winter here at all. France is calling to me too- maybe next year for us. Hope you are doing well- love your FB posts. If you ever come west please let me know!!!

  3. We don't have flea markets like this here in Canada - there is the odd "fair" or antique show. But you seem to have a treasure trove to choose from. Our flea markets seem to be full of tube socks and corn dogs.

    Love the gypsy cart!!

    1. So sorry you are missing the flea market experience in Canada. If you ever find yourself in California we will have to do some antiquing!

  4. HI Jen

    This market looks huge! I just love the truck with the wallpaper inside, how could you not resist walking in to hunt for treasure.

    Hope that all is well with you in sunny California



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