Sunday, June 2, 2013

June Jacaranda Season

It is an annual event that I always look forward to. Here in California, turning the calendar page from May to June usually finds the Jacaranda trees in full bloom. This year is no exception.
 For me, the brilliant, blossom filled trees announce a special time... when our sons were small it meant the end of the school year and the unofficial beginning of summer. It is the time of weddings, graduations, days at the beach, dining outdoors, late sunsets and warm evenings.
Each time I look at these beautiful trees I am reminded of those and many other happy events and memories that seem practically framed in the lilac haze of the Jacaranda. 
I feel lucky to drive to and from the shop each day down, none other than, Jacaranda Street. As lovely as driving on Jacaranda Street is, I took the time on Saturday to walk down the alley of purple. It was a true visual feast.
As the blossoms begin to rain down and gather on the street and lawns the color surrounds you. 
It is simply wonderful.
This weekends Loot Shoot coming up next.
Happy June and Happy Hunting!


  1. Wow, wow, wow!!! The colour looks so brilliant it doesn't look real. Never seen these in bloom when I was in California. But I do fondly remember all the bouganvillea blooming on the hills - spectacular colour.

    1. Hi Heather, The color is spectacular. My photos don't really do it justice. Bougainvillea is beautiful too- it can bloom close to 3 times per year but he jacaranda is just one bloom that is just a couple of weeks long! Hope all is well with you looking forward to seeing pics of all your furniture projects.

  2. Jen- these photos are beautiful!! Happy Summer to you guys :)

    1. Hi Sarah, Happy summer to you too. I bet you guys will be very busy with the new property. If you are looking for anything special for the house just let me know, I am out & about a lot and would be happy to text you photos etc. xo

  3. Hi Jen,

    I'm interested in buying your jacaranda photo, the last image. My dad loves them and I would love to get one framed for his Christmas present.



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