Thursday, September 8, 2011

Pin Pointed Treasure

I have been on the look-out for unique vintage jewelry pins for the last few months.  This is a small example of the treasures I have collected. I was lucky enough to find two additional brooches today. We all have at least a couple of brooches, maybe from our grandmother or family members. Unfortunately, most of us rarely, if ever, wear them. After finding some of these great little pins at several flea markets, I began to look through my grandma's costume jewelry box and have found a new appreciation for her, now vintage, style.
My plan, although not an original concept, is simple. We carry dozens of beautiful vintage French ribbons at Le Potager and as the holidays approach I will wrap a single band of this French ribbon around a pillar candle 2/3 of the way up. I will attach one the vintage brooches to the ribbon and I now have a way to enjoy these vintage family and found treasures that otherwise would sit in a drawer. These candles are not just for the holidays however it is a wonderful time to give them. Consider creating this candle using a family brooch as a gift for a new daughter-in-law along with a note that tells the story of the original owner. It is a simple, lovely gift from the heart that can start a new family tradition.  

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