Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mystery Silver Sleeve

I found myself in a funky auction warehouse.  They were closing in 5 minutes, it was over 100 degrees,  dark and honestly, a little weird. I was okay leaving empty handed, I just wanted to get back in the air conditioned car and then something caught my eye. Just a little gleam on the back of a deep dark shelf.  I dove in and grabbed...the clock it ticking, the announcement over the p.a. system is declaring closing time. The etching was intriguing, the silver had a nice rich patina, but the size and shape had me stumped. No time to think, I can't even look it up on the iphone. Yes or no? I had time to ask the most important question of all... Is it unique? Yes, without a doubt. Then I need to take it home.
After bringing this beautiful piece home and doing some research, I learned that it is a silver plated cover made to fit over a tin pipe tobacco can/canister. Circa 1930's this sleeve is heavily etched with an English street scene on the body and an amazing wild boar on the lid surrounded with a frame of oak leaves and acorns. While researching, I found another identical sleeve on an online auction site. I purchased it and am thrilled to have a pair of these canisters. They will be beautiful displayed for fall on a mantle filled with autumn botanicals and the lids standing to show the beauty of the etching.

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