Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Gien China Platter Collection

It was nearly ten years ago when I happened upon my first Gien platter at a flea market. 
It was Le Boeuf - Le Charolais from Les Aventures du Boucher'.
The graphics were what first caught my eye. Then the combination of fonts and subtle colors paired with the unique subject matter made me want to take it home.
That 12" platter has hung in my kitchen, over my stove ever since. 
Occasionally I would do on-line searches to see if I could find duplicates, as a couple of friends had long admired it, but with no luck.
Then this winter I found three additional platters. Come to find out my platter was one of a 6 piece collection and now I am thrilled to have four of the six.
I have continued to search hoping to complete the set or even just find a duplicate. Well, I thought I knew what I was looking for until I spotted Les Aventures de Mareyeur. Same series, different purveyor. I had to add all six them to the collection. Bringing my collection to ten platters.
In both sets each platter features a favorite of the butcher or the fish merchant on the front and the history of that item in French cuisine on the back. 

I am thinking about hanging the platters rather high on the wall, all around the kitchen.
It may be just too much of a good thing. In the meantime they look wonderful in the china cabinet.
My search continues for the balance of the Boucher' collection and for information on the entire series.

Special flea market coming this weekend... post to follow.
Happy Hunting and Thank You So Much for Reading Me!


  1. Never heard of these until now. And now I don't think my life would be complete without some!!

  2. Hi Jen,

    If you are still looking for the plates. I have two different sets which I am looking to sell. It's Le Mareyeur and Le Jardinier. Let me know if you are interested.

  3. Hi Marjolein, I would be interested in your sets. You can email any photos/info/price to me at jras@sbcglobal.net
    Thank you for thinking of me!


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