Friday, June 21, 2013

Welcome Summer

Today we celebrate 
the first day of summer... the summer solstice. 
As a native Californian, summertime holds a very special place in my heart, in my memories 
and in my life story.
In the 1970's my hometown, Hermosa Beach, was a sleepy and quaint beach community. This was the decade when I experienced the best of beach living. Summers spent on the beach, in the ocean and riding bicycles... everywhere. Sharing long sunny days with friends and family. 
I think of these times often and am grateful to have lived my childhood here.
Summertime. Time to enjoy outdoor living, sunny days and warm nights with starry skies.
Welcome Summer!
Thanks for reading... will be back to treasure hunting this weekend.
Happy Hunting!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, summertime. Camping, beaches, fresh corn from a roadside stand. Those are my memories of Canadian summers. And mosquito bites. And campfires. And summer romances with boys from other parts of the province. Very different than your Cali summers, but just as fun. Enjoy the sunshine!


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