The simplicity of the retail stores of 100 years ago has always intrigued me. The wood floors, the tin ceilings and the wide variety of goods efficiently displayed were all charming features of the old fashioned shop. A very important tool for shop keepers of this era, as well as todays retailer, was successful displays.

I was fortunate to find a set of four antique glass shelf risers from old drug and candy stores. These risers were an important tool in creating displays using the vertical space to draw the most attention. Spacing these risers along a counter or on top of a display case and topping them with glass was an easy way to create transparent display areas allowing the merchandise to be the focus. Although these risers can be found in ones and twos, finding four of them was a real treasure. If you are fortunate enough to find even one of these, they can be beautiful in your home displays. A simple round mirror or piece of colored glass on top can make a stunning statement for displaying accessories or seasonal items. I will be using these at Le Potager this holiday season to display vintage Christmas decorations. I will post them in use as soon as the displays are set. Using unique items to display your decor makes it just that much more special.